What can you do to improve the customer footfall in your restaurant?Ah, a question that has been more of a puzzle so far. When you are running a business, this is an unavoidable dilemma. The trick is to place yourself in the shoes of the customer and ponder.
Any restaurant needs captivating exteriors first and foremost to improve its customer inflow. There is nothing that will put off a customer like shabby appearances. Unless you are going for a retro design and theme for your place, it is absolutely important that the restaurant looks inviting inside out.

Transparent glass walls are especially capable of luring in customers. These glass walls not only add a touch of elegance to the restaurant but they can also provide passersby with a bird’s eye view of the interiors. It is an ideal tactic to attract more customers during any time of the year.

Another idea to make your restaurant more noticeable is by taking advantage of the olfactory powers of man. Think of how often we have been tempted by some restaurant or coffee shop just with their sweet, tantalising aromas. The invite sent out by a pot of fresh coffee or a plate of hot, fried chicken is almost irresistible. Set up the kitchen so that the fragrances are wafted out into the air all around to boost your business.

Occasional food festivals or buffets can be a long stride in restaurant business. Such events will certainly make the place more popular. Everyone jumps in as soon as they hear free food. Naturally, buffets may seem unprofitable but they are helpful in the long run when you look at how they can introduce the dishes of your restaurant to wider public.

Advertisements are the best method to hold eyes. Popping colours and catchy phrases can add to the popularity of any restaurant. The more “cool” they sound, the more customers they can bring in. Ads should be given out only after through research of the market and target community. They should be specifically tailored to lure in such particular customers.

In the end, customer reviews do matter a lot. If you can provide great food and best service in a single platter, word of mouth alone will bring fame to your eatery.